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Manufacturers of Enviroclean FA seeking national distributors Milwaukee, WI (April 4. 2019) – Ogre Manufacturing, L.L.C., today announced that it is seeking regional and national distributors for its groundbreaking gun cleaning product, Enviroclean FA. Until now, this environmentally friendly, biodegradable cleaning

I opened my first business in my home in 1999. It was literally what is known as a kitchen table business. It took over the entire kitchen table, then the spare bedroom, and was moving into the living room when

The Challenge Targets' Texas Star is a moving, reactionary, and steel target that lets you train like you fight.  Real targets move, they aren’t just static pieces of paper waiting for us to score a great hit in the ten-ring! The

Want to shoot 9mm from your AR with out a dedicated 9mm lower or a magazine adapter? Want to train with AR magazines that fit in your gear and function like your .223 mags? Want last round bolt hold open?

Safety On, 10 Little Liberals, and The ABC’s of Guns are the answer to a problem I didn't fully realize I had. Love the 2nd Amendment?  Want to teach your children firearms safety at a young age? Love shooting?  Love starting

Shoots Like a SIG Because It Is One On the SIG X-Five air pistol packaging it says it, “Shoots like a SIG because it is one.”  The remark on the packaging is accurate. The SIG X-Five air pistol is an excellent choice

Wild About Shooting I'm pretty wild about shooting and I teach both NRA pistol and rifle shooting to civilians and law enforcement.  I was looking for a solution to having 3 or 4 bags to haul my pistols to the range.