CMMG 9 ARC Magazines: AR Delayed Radial Blowback with CMMG Upper

Want to shoot 9mm from your AR with out a dedicated 9mm lower or a magazine adapter? Want to train with AR magazines that fit in your gear and function like your .223 mags? Want last round bolt hold open? The CMMG 9 ARC magazine converts your CMMG Banshee or Resolute radial delayed blowback upper into a 9mm AR with an AR lower into a 9mm firearm.
This turns your AR lower into a 9mm fun machine. Cheaper to shoot and now you can blast pistol steel and plate racks with your AR.
Got SBR? Full Auto? Now you have radial delayed blowback 9mm gun with the same ATF paperwork. I just ran 500 rounds through my 9mm CMMG upper with a full auto lower. The recoil was somewhere just north of .22LR and the rate was very controllable. Why 500 rounds? Because that was all I had. I just kept smiling and reloading.
The 9 ARC is only for CMMG Banshee and Guard radial delayed blowback models. What is so special about radial delayed blowback? Less recoil force for faster shots and less wear and tear.
Want your very own ARC magazines? Look for them at Complete mag is $44.95, just the insert for your P-mag is $29.95.
Photo by Mark Miller