TALON Grips Acquires ArachniGRIP and Now Offers a Better Grip on Your Slide
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colorado (July 13, 2022) – TALON Grips, the industry leader in stick-on gun grips, acquires ArachniGRIP, the creator of the SlideSpiderTM patented stick-on grip for the slide.
The idea of ArachniGRIP was born when Bob Biedenbach, Co-Founder of ArachniGRIP, returned to the sport and realized he was having trouble controlling the slide of his firearm due to reduced hand strength and arthritis. Don Hoekendorf, Co-Founder of ArachniGRIP, was a range master at the time and user of TALON Grips. Together, the two devised a plan to create a grip for the slide to reduce hand fatigue and improve grasp.
TALON Grips for your slide benefits all shooters. Adding this grip to the slide ensures that you get a firm grip in all conditions making it easier to manipulate the firearm regardless of hand strength. “Once the grip is applied, you are able to pull the slide back with minimal effort. You can immediately feel the difference whether you are a veteran shooter or new to the sport,” said Mike Morris, President of TALON Grips.
“For years, we have worked with Don & Bob as our products complement each other nicely. It was a logical step for the brands to join forces. They built a solid foundation and this is a great opportunity for TALON to use our knowledge and offer the best grip for the slide of the firearm, an area that many people struggle to control,” continued Morris. The grip makes it easier to control the firearm and keep the muzzle pointed down range while clearing or racking the slide.
Hoekendorf said, “I am very excited to see where TALON (Grips) will take this. They are the leader in this space and have become a household name in firearm grips.”
TALON Grips, a family-owned Colorado business, was the perfect fit for ArachniGRIP, also a Colorado-based business. The SlideSpiderTM was previously only available as a two-pack for about $20. TALON Grips will be offering these as a single piece for under $10. These grips are available now at talongungrips.com.
About TALON Grips
TALON Grips fix an area of shooting that cannot be perfected through practice -a slippery grip. TALON Grips are trusted by millions of shooters including law enforcement officers, military professionals, competitive shooters, and people that care about performance and safety.
Utilizing the latest design and production technologies, TALON Grips produces the most innovative functional grips available on the market today. TALON Grips provides superior products that make a difference at an affordable price.
TALON Grips was founded in 2009 by a law enforcement officer, competitive shooter, firearms instructor, and armorer to enhance shooter comfort, consistency, and weapon retention. The patented TALON Grips provide maximum grip coverage in custom designs for over 300 firearms. The precisely cut designs are available in rubber-black, rubber-moss, PRO, and granulate-black materials for different applications and user preferences.
Headquartered in Steamboat Springs, CO, TALON Grips are 100% made in the USA.
TALON Grips are available at select retailers or direct at talongungrips.com.
We believe you are the weapon and your firearm is just your tool. TALON Grips ensure that your tool performs as well as you.