The BEST Caliber For Defensive Pistols
If your hackles went up and you assumed a war footing when you read the title of this article, you’re not alone. 🙂 The debate between projectile sizes has been raging since Cain was deciding on whether to use a small rock
Some Points To Ponder: Random Wisdom from Robert Johnson
* Shooting alone pounds in bad habits. Shooting with peers for critiques makes you better. *50 well planned practice rounds are better than shooting 600 rounds without purpose. *Seek professional training whenever time and finances allow. Use various schools versus repetition at
AR-15 “overpenetration” only exists if you do THIS wrong…
Today, we’re going to talk about one of the biggest misconceptions that people have about the AR-15. To be fair, they get this misconception honestly. They’re repeated ad nauseam at gun ranges, in articles, blogs, forums, videos, and even on TV
Watch Mike Ox: Which stance is best for self-defense shooting?
There are a lot of theories on the best stance for self-defense shooting
Brinyte PT 18 Oathkeeper Flashlight: 2000 Lumens of Justice
Every find yourself looking for a flashlight that uncomplicated, affordable, durable, not too big and features a bright 2000 lumen LED light that won't kill your wallet ? Wouldn't it be great if this mythical light also had a recharging
Federal Releases New 12 Gauge 1 3/4″ Mini-Shotgun Shells
Federals new 1 ¾-inch Shorty shotshells offer similar patterns, energy and accuracy to their full-size counter parts. Federal offers in 8 shot, 4 buck and rifled slug loads perfect for any situation where extra rounds are handy. Features: •12-gauge 1 ¾-inch shells •Similar
Big Dot Shotgun Beads for Home Defense: XS Sights’ Next Generation
XS® Sights is pleased to introduce its newest Big Dot® Shotgun Beads for home defense in tritium and non-tritium models. These next generation sights for shotguns incorporate the company’s leading-edge glow technology to make them the brightest sights in any