Apex Action Enhancement Trigger for the Springfield Armory Hellcat

The Springfield Armory Hellcat pistol is a great little pistol that does many things very well. I found myself not so impressed with the trigger and hoped it could be better with some break in and key lubrication points being used. I didn’t love the length of pull on the trigger and didn’t love the re-set. If I were to compare the stock trigger press to my Glock’s I would say it’s comparable and maybe even better for length of pull but it “feels” heavier to me. With that said, I’ll admit that most of my Glocks have stock minus connectors in them that result in a cleaner feeling 3 ½ to 4# press.
I’ve used Apex before on two of my Glock pistols and have always loved the felt improvements and the undoubtable improvements on the scales for pounds of pressure to get trigger break. While some triggers feel amazing when shooting, they can be dangerous and unreliable, not so with Apex.
I’ve also seen Apex in action as a company at the SHOT Show and was impressed with the companies commitment to donating to families of fallen officers through their thin blue line series of triggers. Apex uses the funds raised through the thin blue line series to raise money for Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.). C.O.P.S. is a highly regarded charity supported by several manufacturers in the shooting hunting and outdoor trades industry. Apex has raised over $250,000 dollars for C.O.P.S.! Apex will be donating 25% from each of the thin blue line sales to C.O.P.S. This is a winning scenario as far as I’m concerned and I’ll gladly select this sharp looking option knowing the added benefit to a great cause.

The Apex Action Trigger for the Springfield Hellcat comes with three pieces: Apex Action Enhancement Trigger (this one with a blue center mounted pivoting safety), an Apex Sear Spring, and an Apex Striker Spring.

In the end, I will say that the installation was fairly easy but it was very intimidating for me as I’ve never torn down this make/model of pistol before and you strip it all the way down! Apex has a very well produced instructional video that you can watch, pause, replicate, watch, pause, replicate, repeat! Find the video HERE.
During installation, when Apex recommends you use a vise to install the trigger onto the trigger bar and have a business card inserted as a spacer, follow this advice, it made it very easy!

Immediately after installation I observed a reduction in pounds of pressure required to press the trigger. As I continue to get trigger time in on this pistol, I should see a continued reduction in trigger pull weight to approximately 5.0 to 5.5 lbs. I immediately noticed a smooth uptake and reset with a reduced overall trigger travel distance. Less movement on the trigger immediately translated into less error on the target. Ammo is a little difficult to keep around these days but I hope to get at least 200 rounds through the pistol and measure the press again. I’ll let you know the results when I can!

Again, the beauty of the Apex trigger is that it obtains improved trigger travel and weight of press while still maintaining factory safety values. Apex put this trigger through its paces to make sure you wouldn’t have to worry about losing the safety features that Springfield intended for this pistol.
Apex drop tested the new trigger as part of their routine product development process. Apex conducted 99 drop tests from 6 feet up onto concrete from 27 different orientations and with a variety of temperature conditions ranging from -10º to 20º degrees Fahrenheit, while another is done at 120º to 150º degrees Fahrenheit. After all these 99 drops, Apex did not experience a single discharge from the Hellcat.
If you have the Springfield Armory Hellcat pistol, get yourself the Apex trigger, it’s available now and you can buy it HERE. The Springfeild Armory Hellcat pistol is a great pistol but if I was going to be a critic I’d complain that it’s a bit pricey and the trigger was a little lacking. Now with the Apex installed, all I get to complain about is that the pistol is a bit pricey. I love my Apex.