Hebrew Hammer Build Update

A little over a month ago we started the Hebrew Hammer Build, which as some readers may remember was essentially a very dirt and mismatched FN FAL rifle kit from the vaults of the Israeli Defense Force scrap piles. I wasn’t happy with what I got but after lots of degreaser and scrubbing the coffee grounds/cat piss mixture off the gun it turned out to be a decent kit.
Thanks to a gentleman from the FALFiles.com he said he could salvage the fairly hard to find FAL Light hand guards and stock making them look matching but not refinished. This meant when I finished sourcing my 922r parts I could could ship the parts kit off to our selected gun smith to complete the build.

Photo:Rick Dembroski
When it comes to FAL’s the first industry name that pops up is DSArms, but we chose to select a smith that has a better reputation but smaller shop in Arizona Response Systems, Mark Graham. His long history of builds, professionalism and quality product made selecting ARS a very easy choice. When you add that to the fact we will be supporting a Veteran owned and operated business, well it seems like match made for an article for the site.
We expect to be parts complete by the middle of October 2020 and ship the set down the ARS in Arizona, from there it is entirely dependent on ARS. We know we will be placed in line with the hundreds of others who are wanting to finish their FAL builds before the end of January 2021. We will be patient and until the parts kit returns to us as a rifle we will be content to find magazines and ammo. So far we have 16 boxes of 150 grain for the break in period.

Check back with us , or better yet if you happened to grab one of the FAL Light kits recently from Palmetto State Armory send us some pics of your build or kits. We would love to see how many of you got the early Type A stocks in your kits.
Love this gun. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
Rick Dembroski
It’s complete, article will be up this week. Its REALLY a great looking stick for sure
Rick Dembroski
Finally after months of looking and waiting I have acquired a DSArms “Israeli” pattern FAL upper and a period correct DSArms Israeli FAL Barrel. The FAL Light pattern has different hand guard and a lighter barrel minus a flash hider and a different bayonet mount… Look for it very soon. The parts kit is being sent to Arizona Response Systems