Firearm Training Northwest: Multi-State Concealed Carry Certifications and NRA Classes

Firearm Training Northwest can assist you in obtaining your Concealed Carry Certification. Firearm Training Northwest (FTN) works in Washington and Oregon, with a wide variety of classes to choose from novice to professional. Choose from a classroom setting or hands-on instruction for concealed carry and instructor ratings.
More than 16.5 million Americans currently hold active concealed carry permits. Some states provide even out of state residents with multistate permits. FTN can help you navigate this maze. Allied with the National Rifle Association (NRA), the nation’s oldest civil rights organization and leader in firearm safety, education and training, Northwest offers qualified prospective armed citizens an understandable and transparent path toward applying for a CCW.
The NRA Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Course was created for citizens who currently do not have a CCW permit. The course is a modular program adaptable to all 50 states. It complements existing NRA courses and, most importantly, streamlines the process into a single course for students wishing to apply for a CCW permit in their states.
Depending on the modular lessons taught. the NRA CCW Course will vary from one hour to 16 hours of training and will follow one or more of 10 modules, to be determined by the instructor. The Instructor will provide all of the necessary guidance based on individual state requirements. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a certificate that indicates the specific modules completed, thus qualifying them to apply for their state’s CCW permit.
I recently attended the NRA CCW Course and the NRA CCW Instructor Course. Shaun Curtain, lead instructor for Firearm Training Northwest ran both classes. The classes were run at the beautiful Tri County Gun Club in Sherwood, Oregon. Shaun’s classes have a great reputation. I bypassed several closer classes and traveled to Oregon to attend the Firearms Training Northwest classes.
I was not disappointed. The NRA CCW class is a great presentation of the basic skills and knowledge required for concealed carry.
Even if you have solid skills, I recommend you take the full NRA CCW class prior to seeking an instructor rating to see the skills and drills presented by a professional. The Instructor class that followed was filled with tricks and tips for coaching and teaching. The classes are offered back to back to enable one four day qualification if you are a current NRA Pistol Instructor. In addition to basic certifications, FTN also teaches all the NRA instructor classes.
To qualify as an NRA Instructor:
Candidates must have completed the basic course in the discipline they wish to be certified to teach, e.g. NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting, NRA Basic Rifle Shooting, etc.
Candidates must possess and demonstrate a solid background in firearm safety and shooting skills acquired through previous firearm training and/or previous shooting experience. Instructor candidates must be intimately familiar with each action type in the discipline for which they wish to be certified.
Candidates will be required to demonstrate solid and safe firearm handling skills required to be successful during an instructor training course by completing pre-course questionnaires and qualification exercises administered by the NRA Certified Training Counselor.
Candidates must satisfactorily complete an NRA Instructor Training Course in the discipline they wish to teach (e.g., NRA Basic Pistol Course), and receive the endorsement of the NRA Training Counselor conducting that training.
NRA Instructor courses are discipline specific. During the course candidates will learn NRA policies and procedures; basic public speaking skills; training methodology; use of a training team and training aids; organizing a course, building a budget; and finally preparing to teach. In addition, candidates will be provided the appropriate lesson plans and basic course student packets. Role-playing is a major part of an instructor course; therefore, the minimum class size should be at least four candidates, with 10-12 candidates being ideal. Candidates take turns working in teams, actually conducting portions of the course to other candidates who portray basic students.
Instructor training courses are conducted by NRA Training Counselors. Training Counselors are active and experienced instructors who have been certified by NRA to train experienced shooters to teach others to shoot. Training Counselors will evaluate candidates’ performance based on their ability to handle the firearms with confidence, use of appropriate training aids, following the lesson plans and meeting all learning objectives, while utilizing the teaching philosophies expected of NRA Certified Instructors. Candidates can also expect to learn the NRA discipline specific instructional methods and evaluating and improving the performance of beginning shooters.
The NRA CCW Instructor Course is quite different than previous disciplines. Certified NRA Pistol Instructors can take the CCW class as a student and then attend the two-day instructor course, which consists of both classroom and range time. There is also a marksmanship test. Those who pass will earn the NRA CCW Instructor Credential, and will be able to teach this new course to students. The NRA CCW Course was designed by NRA Instructors for NRA Instructors and their students. It is a great complement to other NRA Education and Training courses, and will be a valuable credential to hold. The marksmanship requirements to pass the class are well defined and structured. The course shoots out to 15 yards using an IDPA or IPSC targets. Drawing from concealment, reloads and malfunction clearance is included.
The NRA CCW Instructor class breaks down like this:
Classroom Lessons (Day1)
CCW Portal Update
Drawing from Concealment
Reloading & Stoppage Remediation
Mindset; Responding to an Attack & the Aftermath
Carry Modes & Pistol Concealment
Running A CCW, Live Fire Line
Basic Defensive Pistol Skills
Range Exercises (Day 2)
Gearing U Safely
Medical Brief
CCW Basic Student Live Fire Drills (Teach Back)
Live Fire Drills
Qualification Introduction
Instructor Live Fire Qualification
About Shaun Curtain, lead instructor for Firearm Training Northwest:
Shaun Curtain, lead instructor for Firearm Training Northwest
Shaun has been an NRA Training Counselor for over 20 years. He is currently a State Training Counselor for Washington.
His NRA instructor certifications include: rifle, pistol, shotgun, muzzle loading rifle-pistol-shotgun, home firearm safety, personal protection inside the home, personal protection outside the home, range safety officer, chief range safety officer, metallic cartridge reloading, shotgun shell reloading, refuse to be a victim regional counselor, and rifle coach. NRA law enforcement firearm instructor for rifle & shotgun. Training counselor certify firearm instructors, as a train the trainer.
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Featured photo courtesy of the NRA.