ATI Schmeisser S60 .223/5.56 AR 15 Magazines – 60 rounds of Freedom

Get the ATI Schmeisser S60 while you still can
The attack on your rights continues with multiple states introducing bans on standard and “high-capacity” magazines every day.
Having a high-quality and reliable American Tactical has partnered with German arms manufacturer Schmeisser GmbH to exclusively import and distribute the Schmeisser S60 60 round AR-15 magazine. The ATI Schmeisser S60 is made from glass reinforced polymer and has a patent pending unique follower system that allows for double capacity from a normal AR magazine without being bulky or cumbersome. The magazines are designed to shoot both .223 REM & 5.56x45MM, and gives you an instant capacity upgrade over standard AR magazines with an affordable price. On sale now from $69.95 down to $39.99. Buy it now HERE!