Watch Josiah Wells- How to stop losing your support hand grip when firing a handgun

Having a solid grip and stance while shooting a handgun is key to shooting fast and accurately. Losing the support hand grip during firing is a common problem that shooters face. In this video, Josiah Wells talks about the factors that result in this problem, but one of the most common that we’ve seen is the inconsistency of grip and stance it relates to elbows.
Check your stance, check your elbows.
About Josiah Wells:
Josey Wells is a former military man who spent most of his career assigned to 11th Special Forces Group and JTF-6 (including a little work with Coronet Nighthawk in its final days and a couple of OEF-CCA missions), moving on to a civilian billet around the time JTF-6 transitioned to JTF North. Wells currently works for the PMC “GFC Violent Persuasion Services” serving as an advisor to an SMU south of the US-Mexico border.
Featured image by Mark Miller. Nomad 9 with Grey Ghost Precision slide, XS sights and Trijicon RMR