Browning Hi Power: The sidearm of the Axis & Allies
John Moses Browning is a name that every gun enthusiast should know. He is the father of dozens of designs that are still in use today, from the 1911 pistol to the M2 heavy machine gun. The last design of J.M. Browning has
Photo of the Day: Czechoslovakian MG-37 Machine Gun
The Czechs made this gun under many different names while they were occupied by Nazi Germany. One thing for sure this 7.92 x 57 mm Mauser powered machine gun will put a hurt on just about anything from people to
Photo of the Day: Soviet DP-28 Machinegun in 7.62x54R
Sometimes its good to have friends with different tastes in guns. This Soviet DP-28 in 7.62 x54 R was brought to us courtesy of Arctic Arms in Chugiak Alaska. He is a 07/02 SOT and a friend of the site