Defend Your Vision and Your Hearing
Don't be that person that thinks an eye injury or hearing loss won't happen to you. Defend your vision and your ears every time you enjoy the shooting sports with quality eye and ear protection such as that offered by Edge
AXIL GS Extreme All in One Ear Protection
I will be the first to admit I’m not a fan of change at all, and that even comes down to my hearing protection. The classic over the ear muffs were my standard go to ear protection for years. That
Champion Announces New Small Frame Ear Muffs
Champion Announces New Small Frame Ear Muffs. “At Champion, we are constantly looking at the hearing protection market in order to bring the best products to the shooting industry,”
Get More From Your Shooting: Do Your Homework, Bring What you Need and Have Fun
For our next visit to the world of Wonky, let's look at some other things that people get all knotted up about, and seek harmony within the firearms sporting community. After all, wouldn't it be grand if we could just
Defend Your Vision and Your Hearing
Don't be that person that thinks an eye injury or hearing loss won't happen to you. Defend your vision and your ears every time you enjoy the shooting sports with quality eye and ear protection such as that offered by Edge