Shoot Like a Soldier: The Army Rifle and Carbine Manual

Army Training Circular, TC 3-22.9 Rifles and Carbines is chock full of military vitamins and useful information on the M-4 Carbines, written for an 18 year old with a GED so it is simply written with pictures suitable for coloring. The Army knows a few things about rifles and carbines. This booklet is the result of years of work and is a valuable resource. Think of it as a little tax refund.
Click HERE for your free copy.
Spoiler alert, this is some of what’s inside.
Training Circular (TC) 3-22.9 provides Soldiers with the critical information for their rifle or carbine and how it functions, its capabilities, the capabilities of the optics and ammunition and the application of the functional elements of the shot process.
This manual is comprised of nine chapters and five appendices, and is specifically tailored to the individual Soldier’s use of the M4- or M16-series weapon. This TC provides specific information about the weapon, aiming devices, attachments, followed by sequential chapters on the tactical employment of the weapon system.
The training circular itself is purposely organized in a progressive manner, each chapter or appendix building on the information from the previous section. This organization provides a logical sequence of information which directly supports the Army’s training strategy for the weapon at the individual level.
Chapters 1 through 4 describe the weapon, aiming devices, mountable weapons, and accessories associated with the rifle and carbine. General information is provided in the chapters of the manual, with more advanced information placed in appendix A, Ammunition, and appendix B, Ballistics.
Chapters 5 through 9 provide the employment, stability, aiming, control and movement information. This portion focuses on the Solider skills needed to produce well aimed shots.
Advanced engagement concepts are provided in appendix C of this publication. Appendix D of this publication provides common tactical drills that are used in training and combat that directly support tactical engagements. Finally, appendix E of this publication, is provided at a common location in this and future weapons publications to provide a common location for reference.
This is what you get from reading this brief cornucopia of knowledge…
1-25. Overmatch is the Soldier applying their learned skills, employing their equipment, leveraging technology, and applying the proper force to create an unfair fight in favor of the Soldier. To achieve and maintain overmatch against any threat, this publication focuses on providing information that develops the Soldier’s direct fireengagement skills using the following attributes:
Smart – the ability to routinely generate understanding through changing conditions.
Fast – the ability to physically and cognitively outmaneuver adversaries.
Lethal – deadly in the application of force.
Precise – consistently accurate in the application of power to ensure deliver of the right effects in time, space, and purpose.
Photo courtesy of U.S. Army