Savage Arms Celebrates Women in the Outdoors on International Women’s Day

WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – March 8, 2022 – Savage Arms is celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place on International Women’s Day. Today Savage shines a spotlight on several women in the outdoors by sharing the stories of leaders, role models, mentors, sisters, daughters and pioneers.
As the world celebrates this day, inspiring stories about how women are breaking barriers in boardrooms, owning businesses, forging change, advocating for reform and empowering other women are at the forefront. It’s a global day to recognize the achievements of women all over the world. To celebrate International Women’s Day in the shooting, hunting and outdoor corner of the world, Savage looks to women in the outdoors.
“If there is one thing we’ve learned – it’s that women make the outdoors better for everyone,” said Beth Shimanski, Director of Marketing at Savage Arms. “We couldn’t highlight everyone, and this is just a small group, but it’s amazing to see just how much impact and reach these women have. We’re lucky to call all the women we featured, and so many more, friends of Savage. No matter what their role in the outdoors is, who their employer may be or how they came to this industry—they are all amazing spokeswomen for our passion of the outdoors, hunting and shooting.”
Savage comprised over 20 stories of individual women in the outdoors. It was their goal to highlight women who helped take new hunters under their wing, make a big difference in the shooting sports or who are doing an amazing job being advocates for this way of life.
The full lineup of profiles and stories can be found on the Savage website and the Savage Team is available to help provide more information.