G2 Research TELOS Self Defense Ammunition: Ready for the Worst

With the expansion of concealed carry rights, just about everyone involved in the shooting sports is looking for self-defense ammunition. G2 Research specializes in self-defense ammo designed to stay inside the target and to release all of its energy greatly reducing the danger of hitting innocent bystanders.
They have a line of controlled fragmentation ammo going by the name of Telos. It is available now in 38 Special +P, 9MM +P, 357 Magnum, 45 ACP and 45 LC (Long Colt).
The ammo I am reviewing is the Telos 45 ACP and 45 LC.
12-13″ of Penetration
7 Separate Wound Channels
Solid Copper / Lead Free
3”+ Diameter Spread
Precision Machined
Controlled Fragmentation
Patent Pending
956 FPS
159.75 GR Avg.
Here are the specs on the 45 LC.
13-15″ of Penetration
7 Separate Wound Channels
Solid Copper / Lead Free
4”+ Diameter Spread
Precision Machined
Controlled Fragmentation
Patent Pending
975 FPS
160 GR Avg.
For the most part they are pretty much equal in performance so this will pertain to both rounds. The Telos bullet is CNC machined using a pure copper slug. The Telos bullet is designed with a large segmented hollow point. The bullet appears to be solid but the inside is CNC machined with segmented grooves.
When the Telos bullet makes contact with the intended target, I am referring to a self-defense situation, the pressure causes the Telos to basically come apart in a controlled fragmentation and releases six copper petals (as they are called) which causes 7 wound paths instead of just one. These fragments spread out resulting in pain, increased bleeding and instant shock.
At the same time the base of the bullet continues to travel in a forward direction for additional penetration. The bullet is designed to stay inside the target and to release all of its energy greatly reducing the danger of hitting innocent bystanders.
The 45 ACP Telos ammo was fired from my RIA Tac Ultra. The feed and function of the round was excellent, no problems at all. The 45 LC was fired from my Uberti 1873 single action Cattleman revolver and again no problems experienced. This ammo performed as advertised and is an excellent choice for self-defense ammo. Please check out their website www.g2rammo.com
John P. DeBeasso Jr.
Interesting technology. 9mm gets better and better.